Payment method:
Advance payment
1. Please transfer the amount mentioned above to the following account and please mention your name in the field as reason for the transfer so we can identify your payment:
Company: Firma PAX Reifen Service
Company adress: Street: Mühlstrasse 41, 71229 Leonberg, Germany
Bank: Kreissparkasse Böblingen
Bank address: Street: Wolfgang-Brumme-Allee 1, 71034 Böblingen, Germany
account: 29971
bank code number: 60350130
IBAN: DE03603501300000029971
2. We will process your order when cashed. the delivery period may extend for 2-5 days depending on the transaction period.
For PayPal payment you will be redirected to the PayPal site during the order process where you can find out payment methods and enter your e-mail- or payment address. After successful payment you are taken back to the PAX Service order process, whereby the order is successfully concluded. Return amounts are normally debited on your PayPal account.
If you use PayPal you have to pay charges of the value
Within Germany and the EU: 1.9%